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Alexander Mussell

Alexander Mussell

SRE. Weightlifting. Reading.

© 2021

A Flask, ReactJS, and SCSS template (inc. Webpack)

Before we start, first clone the project repo:

Today we will go through a template to start you off on your new web application.

I have created a bare bones skeleton for a Flask, ReactJS, and SCSS development stack. It also includes bundling integration with Webpack, and all the loaders configured to get your application up and running. These docs will guide you through what is where, how it works, the different loaders and their usage, and how to run the test application.

If there is anything you think needs to be addressed/added/updated to this template, please let me know or submit a PR. This repository was set up as I couldn’t find a good template to start myself off with. So hopefully it helps some others.

How to Run

If you already know what you’re doing, first clone the repo, create a virtualenv (I highly recommend virtualenvwrapper), install requirements.txt and then run from top of repository:

flask run

Then, from application/static:

npm install
npm run <watch/dev-build/build>

And that’s it. Go to<flaskport> (usually 5000 unless FLASK_RUN_PORT set) to see the start of your new project!


Flask is a micro-framework that will be used to route to our React application, and to serve backend API requests when you get to that stage. I won’t go into detail about Flask, but give you a quick rundown of features this template uses.

The template uses Flask CLI and not the now deprecated manager to manage the running of Flask, and can be run with flask run. There are some custom commands added to that enable us to manage our server locally and create an SQLITE3 database for local testing. To create this database, first initialise it with flask db init, then create the database with the custom command flask develop create-db (this will create a db with the application/ schema), the db will be written to disk at $HOME/dev.sqlite. For this skeleton, there is no route that POSTs to the DB. It’s just there as to give you an understanding on how use the Flask CLI to configure your environment.

Configurations for your base class BaseConfig and its DevelopmentConfig subclass can be found in application/ When you want ready to deploy to production, create a production config in the config file and update application/ to reference this config.

When you are ready to write the API for your website, write it in application/main/

List of various Flask resources used in more detail

Install NPM packages

Install the required node packages with npm install application/templates/static


“Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset. “ - Webpack

List of loaders and plugins

  • babel-loader: The loader for Babel, a transpiler for Javascript that is used to to convert modern JS into backwards compatible versions. For React, we will be using the ReactJS preset.
  • css-loader: Interprets @import and url() and resolves them.
  • style-loader: Injects our CSS into the DOM.
  • html-webpack-plugin: Allows us to generate a landing page template. The main feature is it allows us to reference hashed static files via some built in vars. Check /application/static/index-tempalte.html. On npm run watch, index.html get generated in /application/templates/ so that flask can serve the application to the client.
  • mini-css-extract-plugin: Extracts CSS into separate files. It creates a CSS file per JS file which contains CSS. It supports On-Demand-Loading of CSS and SourceMaps.
  • webpack-md5-hash: Plugin to replace a standard webpack chunkhash with md5. Solves the issue of updated either .scss files or .js files and both output .css and js being regenerated with new hashes.
  • clean-webpack-plugin: Clears up /application/static/dist on successful build.
  • stylelint-webpack-plugin: A plugin to lint your SCSS (and CSS). Its config can be found at application/static/stylelint.config.js.
  • postcss-loader: Loader to process CSS with PostCSS. PostCSS allows for CSS transformations with Javascript. Its configuration imports its own plugins and can be found at application/static/postcss.config.js
  • autoprefixer: PostCSS plugin that adds vendor prefixes depending on host browser.
  • postcss-clean: PostCSS plugin CSS minifier that uses clean-css.


A brief word on the React installation, we have Flask router routing from our webserver to our application landing pages at index.html, once the client is at the application, the routing will be handled via Reacts routing components. These routes can be found in application/static/js/routes.js

That’s all for today! As I said in the prelude, please submit any issues through Github and I will get round to fixing them. Hopefully this helps you out!